The USMLE Preparation Company Proudly Introduces...
The USMLE Step 2 CS Survival Guide Casebook..
CS preparation should be simple & straightforward, but there's nothing out there that provides a complete front-to-back solution without having to pay thousands for a live program. That's why we created the USMLE Step 2 CS Survival Guide Casebook, which will provide you with all of the following features & benefits:
  • 120+ Cases: We've created more than 120 high-yield cases to ensure that you get more than enough exposure to any possible type of case that could show up on exam day.
  • 100+ Point Checklists For Each Case: The SP feedback is based on very long checklists that cover everything in your encounter. Each case in this book comes with a 100+ point checklist that your SP will fill out after each encounter, thus providing you with an in-depth level of feedback about every step of your encounter.
  •  200+ Challenging Questions: Each case comes with 2 challenging questions to ensure that you are well-equipped to answer anything that comes your way on exam day. On top of this, we provide 'sample responses' to each challenging question at the end of each case so you can ensure that you're answering each question in an ideal manner.
  • ​Detailed Encounter Grading Scheme: Each case comes with a 13-step grading scheme and a numerical system to determine your final score and assign you a Pass/Fail grade based on your overall performance. By taking into account every steps of the encounter, you get the most accurate assessment of your performance possible.
  • Post-Encounter Student Info: Each encounter comes with a detailed outline of the correct differentials, the appropriate support, and the appropriate workups that should be ordered. You will also have sample responses to both of the case's challenging questions and a sample closure statement based on the case's details.
  • ​SP Encounter Details: Each case comes with a highly detailed outline so that your SP knows exactly what to say and do to provide you with the most realistic & challenging case possible. We've designed this to be easy enough for someone who is 'non-medical' to understand.
  • Includes Phone Cases & The New Consultation Cases: Ensuring that you know what to expect & how to tackle these unique case types on exam day. 
Take A Look Inside By Watching The Video Below:


 Everything You Need To Pass In The Palm of Your Hands
 FREE eBook Copy 'The USMLE Step 2 CS Theory Guide' Included
 20+ Years of OSCE/CS Preparation Experience In One Book!
Grab Your Copy Now!
To Your Success!
Dr. Paul & The USMLE Guys Team
P.S. : We'll email you the FREE Step 2 CS Survival Guide Theory Book following completion of your purchase. We'll email the Casebook within 24hrs.
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